Tips For Handling Replacing Your Car's Windshield


When a car's windshield suffers fairly extensive damage, the only way to prevent this issue from creating potentially hazardous conditions for anyone in the car will be to replace the compromised section of glass.

Speak With Your Insurance Prior To Arranging For Your Windshield To Be Replaced

If you have recently discovered that your car's windshield is damaged, you should speak with your insurance provider prior to contacting a repair service. It is a surprise for many people to learn that these repairs are frequently covered under automobile insurance policies. By taking the time to contact your insurance agent, you will know precisely the type of coverage that your policy will provide for these repairs. In many instances, you may have no out of pocket expenses as long as you use a service that is a part of the insurance company's network of preferred repair providers. There are many insurance companies that will also want this type of repair reported, and by simply making this call, you will be able to avoid some problems that may arise from a poor understanding of your insurance coverage.

Check The Weather Before Having The Replacement Done

It is important to have any repairs to your vehicle's windshield completed in a timely manner. Yet it is also important to be aware of the weather prior to having these repairs performed. When a new windshield is installed, the car will need to avoid coming into contact with water for at least several hours. Otherwise, the adhesive that holds the glass in place will become severely compromised. By ensuring that this work is only done on days when rain is not in the forecast, you can minimize the risk of being stranded until the storm passes through the area before you can use your car.

Take Steps To Protect Your Windshield Against Common Damages And Forms Of Wear

After you have gone through the trouble of replacing the windshield of your vehicle, there are several common types of damage that you will want to avoid. For example, damaged or worn windshield wipers can be very damaging to the glass. Also, leaving your car exposed to falling debris from trees and hail from storms can put your windshield at risk of being damaged. Additionally, if you use deicing chemicals on your windshield during the winter, you will need to closely review the solution that you use to ensure it is compatible with automotive glass. Using an incorrect deicing agent can compromise the glass by leaving etchings in it.

For more information and help with replacing your windshield, contact a professional auto glass repair shop, such as Coats Auto Body and Paint.


7 November 2017

what does the oil light on your car mean?

You know that little light that looks like an oil can coming on is a bad thing? Well, my daughter apparently didn't know that it meant that you should stop driving the car and get it into a repair shop immediately. My daughter continued to drive the car without telling me that that little light was on. She said that she thought that it was on for about three weeks before her car died along the road. What damage does that cause? How expensive are those repairs? Visit through our blog of repairing the vehicle that was once perfect but died because that little light was ignored.